I am not me me
I am the wind that blows, the sun that glows and the water that flows
I am not me
I am everything that I see, everything that is free, that is a spree from imprisonment
I am the wilderness, I am the lion, I am the maki, I am Orion
I am not me I am we
I am the dust and the lust in your loins
I'm nothing and I'm the song you sing
I'm the rhythm you tap, I'm your afternoon nap
I'm the wings of a bird I'm a fleeing herd
I'm a nerd, I'm a freek, I'm weirdo, I'm a geek,
in other words: I'm everything that you seek
I am not me I am we
We are the wind and the sun and the clouds and the rain
We are that thing that cares not whether it is sain
We are the nothingness, the everythingness, the freedom
We are the -ing the -ess the Om
We are the hum of ours sisters long gone
gong gong gong ring the bells that we are,
the bells that we could be if we only listened that far
We are the essence of the earth, it's wail, it's cry, it's shout:
why, why why did you just walk by and by?
We are the high, we are the low
We are the sun, we are the moon
We are the soon becoming doom..
But don't be blue
Cause you are not you
As I am not I and we are not we
We are the infinite deep blue sea!
and in it's depths we are limitless
There is no need for stress or inner mess hey
Life is more like chess, our plans are not seamless
There is no need for greed and hate
Wake up mate, before it's too late
cause we are not we, we
We are a tree and in it's branches one big family
We are not the end, we are Godsend
spirits in bodies we lend
they are ours just to tend
We are the flow
and the glow
and whatever we choose to sow
And if we let go we can grow
Because we are not in need
We are the seed.
(This spokenword poem came through literally in one sitting, channeled from somewhere after waking up from a vivid dream)